I've seen many strange things while stalking
Roo, but the strangest had to be the Caribbean Cruise of 2003.
The Background story: Roo met Kim in the spring/summer of 2002,
they dated all summer and then she dumped his ass 4 days before
his birthday in October 2002. For some unexplained reason, in
the winter of 2003 Kim invited Roo on a cruise that was to be
a graduation gift from her parents. So they date for nearly 4
months, apart for 8 months, then she takes him on a cruise!! Weird!
And to kill evil rumours that were spread around, there was no
sex to be had on the cruise I watched them the entire time.
I followed the two via Airplane down to San Juan for once nite, then 7 days on the Carnival Destiny.
The trip was 8 days long, over 400 surveillance pictures were taken. I broke them up into the following categories: